วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Sexy Grocery Shopping is Quick and Easy With an Internet Grocery Shopping List

Want more time for the fun things in life? Use an Internet grocery list to
streamline your grocery shopping, saving dollars and hours every week.
Sisyphus was doomed to roll a boulder up a hill endlessly, and we are
fated to always have to shop for groceries. But don't despair, with the
web there's no excuse to not use a great printable grocery shopping list
to streamline your daily and weekly grocery shopping.
Here are a few key tips to streamline your grocery shopping. The key is to
do fewer trips to the store by using lists to get everything you need. If
you're really good at this, you might be able to do just one trip a week.

1. Start off with a great grocery list. You can Google on 'grocery
list', 'printable grocery list', 'grocery lists', or 'grocery list
template', or see the end of this article for a link to my favorite
free printable grocery list. Find a printable grocery checklist you
like and print it out.


Print and post the list. This is the most important step – keep the
list handy all week long where you can check mark items (or write
them down) as you realize you need them.


Review the list just before shopping. Go through your fridge and
pantry and scan the list – what are you low on and need to buy now?


Group your shopping trips together. By doing just one or two trips a
week and using a complete list, you'll minimize the number of times
you need to dash out to get just one or two items at the last
minute. You'll also ensure that you can do most of your shopping at
your favorite low cost center, even if it's not close by. You might
consider picking a day of the week (Saturday? Monday?) to do the
shopping, and doing your meal planning the night before, making sure
your list has the items you need for the next 4-7 days of meals.


Improve the list. Stash a few of the used printout grocery lists in
a corner. After you have a few weeks of experience, why not make
your own customized grocery list? Just grab the last few weeks of
lists and go to the website where you got your first grocery
checklist and copy the list, then delete the irrelevant items and
add your own personal items that the list was missing.

That's all there is – go find your packing list now, print it out, and
enjoy the great outdoors!

Free Disney Scrapbooking Printables

There are many creative and talented people in the world and this talent
can be used in making sentimental scrapbooks.

A scrapbook is a moment captured in time. The you can use a variety of
things such as old Christmas cards, photos, magazines or newspaper
clippings and much more. There are many ways to do this and if you don't
have the time to look for layouts and backgrounds there is a place you can
get them for free.

Did someone say free? Oh yes. This is all thanks to modern technology
which has made all of these resources available via the internet. This can
save time and money buy getting the necessary things to put this all
together by simply downloading them off the computer.

Are there a lot of websites? Yes again. Programmers have provide more than
100,000 images to choose from that cater to any occasion from Graduation,
to the birth of a baby, Easter and Christmas.

A single site may not provide everything you need which is why most of
these sites have links to others on a variety of topics such as arts,
crafts and sports. They cater to all ages regardless of gender even if you
are just a beginner or someone who has been making scrapbooks for a long

The images on the web simply provide a guide. This will only be complete
by attaching a photo into it and for this, a scanner must be needed. When
the photo has been combined with the selected image, you can start
printing this onto paper then compiling it into the scrapbook.

Most of the pictures are in .pdf format which means this can only be
printed by opening this in Adobe Acrobat Reader. If the you don't have
this program yet in the computer, this would be a good time to get this
and start enjoying the benefits of free disney scrapbooking printables

Has this made the traditional way of making a scrapbook obsolete?
Certainly not. This has merely provided you with the means of finding
better layouts from the existing ones that are available from the

There are individuals who combine the old and new methods to create
scrapbooks and these are still regarded as works of art. There is no harm
in checking the websites out especially since it can be printed for free.

วันอังคารที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mobile Phone Deals: If Not Now Then When?

A long time back somebody said that money cannot buy everything but it is
still necessary. Most of the philosophers remark this statement to be full
of contradictions. Some say if you have money then the whole world is
yours if you do not have it then nothing is yours. You do realize the
importance of money when you tear off the envelope of the monthly phone
bills and the headache is on.

Being human beings the most intelligent species we are blessed with the
power to change the situation in which we find ourselves to be in
uncomfortable state. So, if you regularly suffer from a frequent headache
or tension by looking at the big figures of your monthly phone bills then
stand up to find out a solution to this. The market is laid down with the
infinite kinds of mobile phone deals and then it radically depends on you
how you make the choice.

There is a set of individuals in our society who always complain about
their irritating problems but they never show enthusiasm to go for an
effective change. They keep on postponing the time to bring out a change.
If not now then when? Let this present moment be the absolute time for a
better revolution. Generally, mobile phone deals come in the form of
contract mobile phones and pay as you mobile phones. Contract mobile
phones are the pay monthly mobile phones and pay as you go mobile phones
refer to prepaid or pay in advance mobile phones.

While boarding the morning bus to college you just remember that you have
to give a call to your classmate on an important issue. Unfortunately, you
find yourself in a problem that your handset runs out of the necessary
money. The kind of mobile phone that you are using is a pay as you mobile
phone which has to be recharged again and again.
It's you who should make sure that you have enough balance on your mobile
phone. But one thing is for sure that with pay as you go mobile phones you
will never lavishly spend on your phone bills. Along with college and
school going students housewives are the front users of pay as you mobile

If you are a professional and have a stable income then contract mobile
phones deals would serve you the best options. Talk for a prolong time as
you are given an enticing credit limit and finally, pay off the received
bills at the end of a month. Mobile phone deals including both contract
and pay as you mobile phones let you buy a new handset at a less payment
of money or you might get it free of cost if you go for the best deal.

Gifts and presents are the adjacent stuff which often comes along with
mobile phone deals. Would you like to replace the old television in your
home with a 37 inch LCD TV? If your answer is in affirmative then you
should avail a mobile phone deal which lets you have this elite TV as a
free gift. Similarly you can also get a latest laptop, Sony PS3, Nintendo
Wii, Wii plus Wii Fit and a host of other stuff. Hence, it is the
appropriate time to go for the hunt of turkeys.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How Kettlebell Training And Tabata Training Provide Extreme Fitness

Kettlebell training and Tabata training in the same workout?

Get ready to take your workouts to a new level. A total body workout for
gaining lean muscle, lose that excess body fat and take your cardio
conditioning to the highest level.

*What is a Kettlebell?*

Picture a bowling ball with a handle on it. Kettlebell training when done
right may be the most effective training system we have. Short but intense
workouts a kettlebell workout of 2 exercises and a total workout time of
10-15 minutes can give you an intense and effective total body workout.

* What is the Tabata Training method?*

Tabata training is one of the most brutal training techniques out there.
It consists of performing an exercise for 20 seconds straight, followed by
10 seconds rest. This is repeated for another 7 times, or 8 total rounds
for a total of 4 minutes of extreme training.

You can perform Tabata with cardio, bodyweight, weight training or
kettlebell training. Done with Kettlebell training, it completely changes
your idea of an intense total body workout.

Kettlebell training is tough, but when you combine them with a high
intensity technique such as Tabata training, you can create an intense,
total body workout.

* A Lower Body Kettlebell Training and Tabata Training Workout*

Kettlebell Swing - uses your hamstrings, firms your butt, strengthens your
lower back and great for cardio and fat loss. The kettlebell swing has
been called by some the single best exercise there is. It really is a
total body workout in itself.

Kettlebell Front Squat - works your thighs strengthening and toning, your
abs and your butt.
Thats it. You'll only need two exercises to completely destroy your legs.
And really you can consider this a total body workout. The key to
developing a proper Kettlebell training Lower Body Tabata training workout
is to combine one hamstring dominant exercise with a quadricep dominant

Additional Kettlebell exercises for your Hamstrings:
Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell Clean
Kettlebell Snatch

Kettlebell Training Thigh Exercises
Kettlebell Front Squat
Kettlebell Overhead Squat
Kettlebell Clean and Front Squat

Kettlebell training - Kettlebell Clean + Front Squat is another great
kettlebell exercise that can be a total body workout all in itself.

Kettlebell Snatch + Overhead Squat.

Don't just stop there. Use the same techniques to train your upper body.
Here's a bonus Upper Body Tabata training workout Using Kettlebell
training for again what is really a total body workout.

Complete 8 Tabata Training Intervals for each exercise:
Kettlebell Push Press
Kettlebell Bent Over Row

Yummy Chocolate Cakes: Kisses Cake and Ooh La-La Chocolate Fudge Cake

Can a person have too many kisses? Absolutely not! Especially when they
are chocolate kisses in a cake. YUM! For all you chocoholics out there;
this cake is for you. You think there is something funny going on here?
Two of the ingredients in this cake are kisses and dates! Maybe you
should make this cake for your sweetie! Or how about Ooh La-La Chocolate
Fudge Cake? If you love chocolate, you will love these cake recipes.


1 cup boiling water
1 cup dates, cut-up
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
4 eggs, beaten
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
40 chocolate candy kisses
1 cup chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Lightly grease a 10-inch tube pan; set aside.

Combine the boiling water, dates, and baking soda together; set aside and
allow to cool.

In a large mixing bowl, cream together the butter, sugar, and vanilla. Add
the eggs and blend into the mixture. Sift flour and salt together; add
alternately to the batter with the date mixture. Pour half the batter into
the prepared tube pan. Sprinkle half of the nuts and half of the candy
kisses. Add remaining batter and top with remaining nuts and kisses. Bake
for 1 hour at 325 degrees. Cool 15 minutes before removing from pan.


1 1/4 cups granulated sugar, divided
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup cocoa, divided
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup milk
1/3 cup butter, melted
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 1/4 cups hot water

Heat oven to 350 degrees.

In a medium bowl, combine 3/4 cup of the granulated sugar, the flour, 1/4
cup of the cocoa, the baking powder and salt. Add the milk, melted butter,
and vanilla; beat until smooth. Pour mixture into an ungreased 9-inch
square baking pan. Combine the remaining granulated sugar, brown sugar,
and remaining cocoa. Sprinkle this mixture evenly over the butter mixture.
Pour the hot water over the top but do not stir. Bake at 350 degrees for
35-40 minutes or until center is almost set. Let stand 15 minutes before
serving. Spoon into dessert dishes, being sure to get sauce from bottom of
pan and pour over the top. Garnish with whipped cream or ice cream topped
with mini chocolate chips, if desired.


Jobs For Music Composers

There are several different jobs for music composers that you can pursue
if composing is your dream job. Here is just a small sampling of jobs for
music composers.

Television/Movie Composer

As a television or movie composer, you compose specific pieces of music
for the score of the show or movie. Some songs may have lyrics with them,
while others may be all instrumental. This job may also require
songwriting or working with a songwriter on collaborations. Music
composers have a highly recognized job. They also usually have other
composers working with them or under them, assisting them with the scores
and soundtrack.

Composition Teacher

A composition teacher usually teaches upper level grades or at a
university. Some composition teachers will also teach other subjects, such
as music history or music arrangement. If you would like to teach others
composition skills, then this may be the type of music job you are looking

Jazz Composer

A jazz composer's job is to write instrumental songs that may stand alone
or be used in conjunction with lyrics from a songwriter or lyrics that are
also written by the composer. There are a variety of different places that
a jazz composer can work for, such as on a movie soundtrack. Or they can
be an independent composer and also perform their works in front of a live

If you love composing music and you are creative enough to do it every day
as a job, then one of these jobs for music composers may be right up your
alley. There are other jobs that composers can take as well, as this is
not the full list of composer jobs in the music industry. When determining
what composer you want to be, think about what kind of music you like and
pursue that avenue of interest.

For More Details Visit: http://www.music-career-help.com/


Four tips from a professional game tester

Four tips from a professional game tester

If you're wondering if I'm the professional gamer the answer is no
although I wish I could be considered that I only have two years, these
tips are from an actual professional who has well over seven years of

Tip One: Gain Experience

Make sure to get all of the experience you can get in gaming whether it's
winning a tournament or writing a review on your blog anything related to
games can be added as experience. The best way to gain experience that can
help you land a job in video game testing is doing short-term testing
jobs. Sometimes it is also best doing the job for free which can easily
build up references when applying to an actual job. Call the local gaming
companies and offer your services for free and see what they can do for

Tip Two: Build a Portfolio

This can help you with your future career and not just to land a job as a
video game tester. If you want a serious career in video games then this
is a must for you. Everything you do that is somehow related to your video
game career should go in that portfolio. A well built portfolio can
sometimes guarantee you a job especially since your competition most
likely doesn't have a well built portfolio and just have a list of
references while you have achievements, experience, references, etc.

Tip Three: Be Persistent

In order to actually get a job as a video game tester you have to be
persistent and not lazy. For example, companies will not look for you, you
have to look for them and telling yourself that you're looking doesn't
make it so. I would suggest making an agenda on what should be done in
order to land a job in video game testing.

Tip Four: Build Connections

The best way to get guaranteed a job as a video game tester is if you know
someone in the industry or company. The best way to meet people who have a
connection to the gaming industry is social networking sites. I suggest
finding people around you area who are interested in games and build
connections from there

Texas Holdem Software - Improve Your Poker Game Immediately

Further adding to the recognition of Texas Hold'em was the appearance of
online poker, permitting the common poker player to amass years of
experience in a much shorter time period. Additionally, the World Poker
Tour, debuting in 2003, and the 1998 film, Rounders, served as fuel to the
fire. A surge ensued, and Texas Hold'em became the game to play, both for
pro and amateur poker players alike. This time period became known as the
poker boom. The World Series of Poker has enjoyed an incredible increase
of players since that time, and the climax was maybe reached in 2006 with
a field of almost nine thousand players competing in the $10,000 buy-in
No-Limit Texas Hold'em World Championship. Though Texas Hold'em remains
definitely the hottest game of poker in the united states, it is only in
the near past that the game has started gaining notoriety in other states.

An important note I should make is that many players who understand
Hold'em chances have a tendency to forget is that much of the theoretical
percentages calculations from the flop to the brook assume there's no
betting on the turn. So while it is true that for a flush draw, the
chances are 1.9 to one that the flush will complete, you can only call a
1.9 to one pot on the flop if your competitor will let you see both the
turn and brook cards for one call. Unfortunately, the majority of the
time, this could not be the case, so you shouldn't work out pot
percentages from the flop to the river and instead work out them one card
at a time.

Texas Hold 'em Poker is the most popular poker game in the world now, and
for good reason. The combination of card game strategy and reading other
players makes this take on holdem poker an easy-to-learn game that offers
challenges beyond typical stud poker games. Because of its basic rules and
how they affect what happens at the table, the game of Texas Hold'em moves
awfully quickly and has plenty of fun adaptations.

Visit our website for texas holdem software

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Video Game Backup Software

Video game backup software packages help you backup video games in CDs and
DVDs. Video game backup software is mostly used in personal computers.
These software packages require small storage capacity as compared to
others. Many video game backup programs provide such high-quality copies
that you do not see any difference between an original and a copy.

Video game backup software enables you to copy a variety of video games
such as Xbox, Playstation, PSP, PSX, PS2, and Dreamcast. The important
thing about software that copies or backs up video games is their speed:
some take hours to copy a DVD, but some others take less than forty-five
minutes. Most video game backup software companies offer online services
with good discounts on prices. Many video game backup software dealers
provide free trails, which enable you to select the program that suits you
best. Some versions allow you to copy one or two DVDs using their software
before you buy them. Installing and working instructions are generally
provided with the software.

It is normally impossible to produce a copy of your backup CD. This is
because most video game backup programs contain an encryption that is that
does not permit copying. When you copy the software, this part of the code
is not copied.

When you run your backup video game, sometimes you have to modify your
settings. Sometimes you will have to install a mod chip. Some video game
backup software packages provide mod chips with their software and some
others provide advanced software that does not necessitate the
installation of any mod chip.

The most important advantage of video game backup software packages is
that you don't have to pay hundreds of dollars in replacing lost or
damaged game discs. When you use video game backup software, you should be
aware of laws concerning pirated software. For a legal backup of a game
disc, you have to own an original game CD, and the created backup must be
for your private use only. Many game CDs are protected from copying.


How To Make Homemade Fastnachts

It is a Pennsylvania tradition to make and serve Fastnachts on Fastnacht
Day, which is the Tuesday before the start of Lent. They are also commonly
referred to as Fasnachts.

What are Fastnachts? They are basically a high calorie potato dough
doughnut, although you can find varying recipes for them around the area.
A genuine Fastnacht will never have a hole in the center like a
traditional doughnut.

This recipe was given to me by a German woman living in Lancaster County,


3 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup mashed potatoes, cooled to room temperature
6 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup granulated sugar
1 stick of better, softened
1 cup cold milk
4 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
vegetable oil for deep frying


In a large bowl, beat together the eggs, sugar, salt and butter until
creamy and well mixed. Stir in the mashed potatoes and milk, until all
ingredients are combined. In a small bowl, combine the baking powder with
the flour. Stir flour mixture into the egg mixture with a wooden spoon
until all ingredients are combined. The dough will be stiff so that you
can roll it out. If dough is a little sticky, add flour until it becomes
stiff enough to roll out.

Place vegetable oil into your deep fryer and heat it to 350 degrees. Roll
dough out to a 1/2" thick on a floured dough board. Use a biscuit or
doughnut cutter to cut out doughnuts. Place 2-3 doughnuts into the deep
fryer at a time and fry for 2-3 minutes or until lightly golden brown.
Cool slightly before eating.

Note: If desired, you can shake some cinnamon sugar on hot doughnuts
before serving.

Grape Squash As Indian Recipes

Preparation time: 20 Minutes

Cooking time : 10 minutes
serves : 20-25

1 kg grape juice from green or black grapes.

750-900 gm sugar, or to taste 1 cup water.

1 cup lemon juice or2 tsp citric acid.

A pinch of sodium benzoate preservative .

1. Wash and dry the grapes. Use a blender to extract grape juice and
strain it.

2. Boil the sugar and water to make syrup of 1 - thread consistency, add
the grape juice and the lemon juice or citric acid and the sodium

3. Keep in the sun for 3- 4 days.

4. Pour into dry clean bottles with tight corks.

For Mango, Pomegranate or Orange Squash

The recipe is the same as the Grape Squash. The only difference is that
the fruit juice has to be boiled with the syrup for 5 minutes. Add
preservative and store in airtight bottles. For mango squash, add a pinch
of potassium metabisulphite for each bottle. For pomegranate squash, add a
pinch of sodium benzoate for each bottle. For orange squash add a pinch of
potassium metabisulphite for each bottle.
The recipe is the same as the Grape Squash. The only difference is that
the fruit juice has to be boiled with the syrup for 5 minutes. Add
preservative and store in airtight bottles. For mango squash, add a pinch
of potassium metabisulphite for each bottle. For pomegranate squash, add a
pinch of sodium benzoate for each bottle. For orange squash add a pinch of
potassium metabisulphite for each bottle.
The recipe is the same as the Grape Squash. The only difference is that
the fruit juice has to be boiled with the syrup for 5 minutes. Add
preservative and store in airtight bottles. For mango squash, add a pinch
of potassium metabisulphite for each bottle. For pomegranate squash, add a
pinch of sodium benzoate for each bottle. For orange squash add a pinch of
potassium metabisulphite for each bottle.
The recipe is the same as the Grape Squash. The only difference is that
the fruit juice has to be boiled with the syrup for 5 minutes. Add
preservative and store in airtight bottles. For mango squash, add a pinch
of potassium metabisulphite for each bottle. For pomegranate squash, add a
pinch of sodium benzoate for each bottle. For orange squash add a pinch of
potassium metabisulphite for each bottle.

Learn How to Get the Best Medium Reading Possible With No Scams

Who else wants some quick and easy psychic reading tips guaranteed to help
you get a better reading? If you are anything like the vast majority of
people who enjoy our articles and comment on our content, the simple truth
is that ANYTHING that helps you get a more accurate reading is a plus.

- Understand that the very BEST Intuitive Want LESS Information From
You....and Not More

This is a big distinction, and help you immediately be able to separate
the "fakes" fishing for answers from those who really find you giving them
unnecessary info to be a distraction. Fact: All of the best psychics I
know tell me that the best readings are always those that the client
shares as little as possible, and understands how to share appropriate
facts without sharing too much. Loose lips sink ships...and nowhere is
that more prominent then when hiring a good intuitive reader.

- Don't Allow Yourself to Be Bullied

A bad reader is someone who will "force" their perspective or intuition
down your throat...even when you insist they're off target. Not all
information that comes through is going to be accurate, and just like
anywhere else in life, the people worth listening to are those that can
admit when they're wrong. Remember, psychic abilities are a gift - but not
one of perfection. If a reader won't let you "go" a different route when
you disagree with the direction they're taking the session, it's time to
switch to someone who will. ( and most good ones will, don't worry!)

POP Quiz!

What is the Top Psychic Network for Cheap (but Super Accurate!) Online
Readings That WILL Blow Your Mind?


วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Free How To Digital Scrapbook With Photoshop Tutorials

Today, How to digital scrapbook is now very easy to master thanks to the
power of the computer and digital camera technology. And, there are also
photo editing software programs that can help in making your ordinary
looking photos into professional looking ones. One software program that
is very popular among photography enthusiasts and professional
photographers is Adobe Photoshop.

So, what's with Adobe Photoshop that it even made professional
photographers want one of their own? Well, basically, the great thing
about Adobe Photoshop is that this software contains everything that a
photographer needs in order to edit pictures. This software is basically a
digital photo laboratory where you can edit pictures to make it look even

The basics of the software are easy to pick up. However, it can be
somewhat a mystery for first time users of Adobe Photoshop because of its
un intuitive interface and lack of simple tutorials. If there is a simple
tutorial included that will be able to teach the user the different
interface of Photoshop, then this will definitely be a software program
that everyone can easily understand.

Adobe Photoshop is basically made up of four areas. These areas are the
menu bar located at the top, the toolbar located just below the menu bar,
the toolbox which is located on the left and the palettes that are located
on the right. By understanding the basics of the Photoshop interface, you
will be able to start editing your ordinary looking photos and convert
them in to something special.

And, the great thing about this software is that you don't have to have a
professional SLR digital camera in order for you to take great pictures.
But, all you need is an ordinary digital camera. In fact, even a 2
megapixel camera is enough for you to have a high quality picture with the
help of Adobe Photoshop. That's the power of this software.

Also, you can never avoid errors on the photos you take. For example, you
may experience red eye on the photos where the subject will have red eyes.
When this happens, it will be almost impossible for you to remove the red
eye unless you take them to a professional photographer that will be able
to edit the photos for you. However, with Adobe Photoshop, all you need to
do is remove the red eye with one of the tools provided. Check out this
Free Photoshop Tutorial that shows you just how easy it is to recreate
really awesome eyes .

Motion blurs are another error that can make your pictures look bad. To
correct this, Adobe Photoshop has sharpening tools that will be able to
remove the hand shake blur errors. If you want your photos to have that
misty feel, then there are also blurring tools that you can use.

If the colors are dull, then the software will be able to make the colors
look more vibrant like it was taken by a professional photographer. These
are just some of the many things that Adobe Photoshop can do. As you can
see, you don't need to be a professional photographer to make really good
pictures. With the help of Adobe Photoshop, you can be sure that you will
be able to turn those ordinary looking photos in to something magical.

So, if you love to take pictures and you want to produce high quality
photos, you may want to get this software. And remember to check out these
Free Photoshop Tutorials.

Wotlk Secrets Guide: Honest Review

The most possible reason why you are reading this article right now is
because you want want to know more about the Wrath of the Lich King
Strategy Guide often referred to as the Wotlk Secrets Guide. It is simply
a new guide that has been created by T Dub(author of many other great
guides) to cover all the best strategies needed to excel in the Wrath of
the Lich King Expansion pack. I was introduced to this guide by a dozen of
World of Warcraft players who were already using it and they say they are
making a kill with it. I purchased the guide and read it too. I have been
using the strategies, so I want to share my experience with you today.

What are the Things I Really Learned From this Wotlk Secrets Guide?

When I was buying the guide, I had planned to just spend one night reading
it. Since I wanted to write a review on it the next day, but to my
greatest surprise the guide was too long for me to read in just one night.
I noticed after downloading it that it was a very comprehensive 250 pages
guide with a lot of detailed interesting unique tricks and secrets of the
Wrath of the Lich King game. The Wotlk Secrets Guide is really one of the
most comprehensive guides out there, and it took me two long lights to
complete it. That said and done, this is what I got from the guide.

1. Instances, Professions and New Raids Secrets Revealed

As I said above, Wotlk Secrets guide is a very complete guide on the Wrath
of the Lich King. It has a jam-packed suite of strategies that I've just
learned to help me master instances, professions, new raids, a full list
of all the things that I will come across and the possible troubles I will
face in the game and how to easily solve those problems in the quickest
time possible.

2. Northend Shortest Leveling Path

The most significant part of Wotlk Secrets is where the author reveals the
shortest possible leveling path in Northrend. I am very happy with the
precision, clarity and depth written in this section, and I am very
thrilled to using these strategies in the Wrath of the Lich King
expansion. I am really making a kill with the secrets in the guide.

So Is The Wotlk Secrets Guide Worth the Money?

The simple answer to this question is yes it dose. He charges $45 for his
membership and, it is very reasonably priced given the quality of the
guide. Plus there are many other advantages you will be

Wotlk Secrets Guide: Honest Review

The most possible reason why you are reading this article right now is
because you want want to know more about the Wrath of the Lich King
Strategy Guide often referred to as the Wotlk Secrets Guide. It is simply
a new guide that has been created by T Dub(author of many other great
guides) to cover all the best strategies needed to excel in the Wrath of
the Lich King Expansion pack. I was introduced to this guide by a dozen of
World of Warcraft players who were already using it and they say they are
making a kill with it. I purchased the guide and read it too. I have been
using the strategies, so I want to share my experience with you today.

What are the Things I Really Learned From this Wotlk Secrets Guide?

When I was buying the guide, I had planned to just spend one night reading
it. Since I wanted to write a review on it the next day, but to my
greatest surprise the guide was too long for me to read in just one night.
I noticed after downloading it that it was a very comprehensive 250 pages
guide with a lot of detailed interesting unique tricks and secrets of the
Wrath of the Lich King game. The Wotlk Secrets Guide is really one of the
most comprehensive guides out there, and it took me two long lights to
complete it. That said and done, this is what I got from the guide.

1. Instances, Professions and New Raids Secrets Revealed

As I said above, Wotlk Secrets guide is a very complete guide on the Wrath
of the Lich King. It has a jam-packed suite of strategies that I've just
learned to help me master instances, professions, new raids, a full list
of all the things that I will come across and the possible troubles I will
face in the game and how to easily solve those problems in the quickest
time possible.

2. Northend Shortest Leveling Path

The most significant part of Wotlk Secrets is where the author reveals the
shortest possible leveling path in Northrend. I am very happy with the
precision, clarity and depth written in this section, and I am very
thrilled to using these strategies in the Wrath of the Lich King
expansion. I am really making a kill with the secrets in the guide.

So Is The Wotlk Secrets Guide Worth the Money?

The simple answer to this question is yes it dose. He charges $45 for his
membership and, it is very reasonably priced given the quality of the
guide. Plus there are many other advantages you will be getting from it
that are not even mention on his sales page. You will have to find out
once you download the guide. The Wotlk secrets guide is the real deal,
especially if you want to take your Wrath of the Lich King game to the
next level.

Basics on Yoga

The best way to describe Yoga is probably to say that it is a way of life.
The yoga we are most familiar with in the West is called "Hatha Yoga" or
the "Yoga of movement". However, there are seven other yogic pathways, all
of which deal primarily with the spiritual, emotional, and mental realms.

Yoga originated in India over 5,000 years ago (a lot longer than any
fitness trend!). The word "yoga" means "union", or simply put, the union
of mind, body and spirit. All of the eight yogic paths have this union as
their goal.

Yoga is not a religion. It has no bible or other doctrine that its
students follow. Instead, it is a practical system for healthy living,
which includes movement, diet and a set of ethical principles.

Yoga is not a competitive sport. Instead, yoga helps us to look at our
bodies and ourselves from the inside out. So, whoever you are, however old
you are, however long it has been since you stretched or moved, yoga is
for you! Every pose has its modifications to benefit every person's
fitness level. Yoga encourages every participant to "listen" to their
bodies and only work at that level.

If you suffer from back or neck pain, reptitive stress injuries (like
carpal tunnel syndrome), arthritis, bursitis, or osteoporosis, you can not
only try yoga, you're bound to benefit from it. Do let your instructor
know of your health concerns prior to class. If you suffer from any severe
or unusual medical conditions (such as heart disease, high blood pressure,
a previous head/neurological injury, a high-risk pregnancy etc), it is
YOUR responsibility to get permission from your personal physicians before
embarking on any new exercise program.

How To Make Homemade Fastnachts

It is a Pennsylvania tradition to make and serve Fastnachts on Fastnacht
Day, which is the Tuesday before the start of Lent. They are also commonly
referred to as Fasnachts.

What are Fastnachts? They are basically a high calorie potato dough
doughnut, although you can find varying recipes for them around the area.
A genuine Fastnacht will never have a hole in the center like a
traditional doughnut.

This recipe was given to me by a German woman living in Lancaster County,


3 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup mashed potatoes, cooled to room temperature
6 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup granulated sugar
1 stick of better, softened
1 cup cold milk
4 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
vegetable oil for deep frying


In a large bowl, beat together the eggs, sugar, salt and butter until
creamy and well mixed. Stir in the mashed potatoes and milk, until all
ingredients are combined. In a small bowl, combine the baking powder with
the flour. Stir flour mixture into the egg mixture with a wooden spoon
until all ingredients are combined. The dough will be stiff so that you
can roll it out. If dough is a little sticky, add flour until it becomes
stiff enough to roll out.

Place vegetable oil into your deep fryer and heat it to 350 degrees. Roll
dough out to a 1/2" thick on a floured dough board. Use a biscuit or
doughnut cutter to cut out doughnuts. Place 2-3 doughnuts into the deep
fryer at a time and fry for 2-3 minutes or until lightly golden brown.
Cool slightly before eating.

Note: If desired, you can shake some cinnamon sugar on hot doughnuts
before serving.

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Celebration Ringtone | Madonna Ringtones - Download Celebration Ringtone

Celebration Ringtone by Madonna is one of the hottest ringtones in the
world right now. Celebration is quickly becoming the most popular songs in
America. Celebration Ringtone is a perfect choice for your next cell phone
ringtone. Madonna Ringtones have always sounded awesome. If you are
looking for a new ringtone for your phone, the Celebration Ringtone is a
great choice.

*** Click Here & Sign Up to Download This Ringtone Now! ***

Celebration has been rising up music charts over the past few weeks. The
song has been performing well on the Billboard Hot 100, Canadian Hot 100
and other global music charts. It is also one of the most popular
downloads on iTunes right now. The Celebration Ringtone was one of the
most frequently downloaded ringtones in the world last month and it has
been getting even more popular recently. Madonna has released some awesome
singles lately, but Celebration is definitely one of the best. The
Celebration music video has received millions of views on internet sites
such as YouTube. Don't wait - use the link above to get this ringtone on
your phone now!

Click Here to Download Madonna Ringtones on Your Cell Phone

Celebration Ringtone by Madonna is the perfect choice for your cell phone.
Madonna Ringtones are also a great option. These ringtones are available
to most mobile carriers in the United States and many global cell phone
carriers as well. Click on the link above and follow the instructions on
the next page to download your ringtones right now. Thank you for reading
this article about the Celebration Ringtone by Madonna!

Tycoon's Gold Guide: Compared To The Secret Gold Guide

The world of warcraft tycoon's Gold guide was a great gold making manual
created by one of the greatest warcraft master in the game; Steven Rice.
He really had some good tricks in his manual and actually helped many
people to get more gold and got better in their world of warcraft games.

Sadly enough, the tycoon's gold guide is no longer in the market and
cannot be purchased again. I don't know why, but this situation has left
lots of warcraft players wondering which is the next gold guide they can
use so as to get more and more gold from the game. I write this article
because I was asked that question so many times by some folks and buddys
who really look up to me as far as the world of warcraft game is

The tycoon's gold guide may not still be in the market, but that does not,
by any means signifies that there are no other excellent gold guides out
there. In fact there are guides which I respect more than the tycoon's
gold guide. The guide I am talking about here is the Hadean Hawke's secret
gold guide.

I have bought and used both guides so I stand a better chance to compare
and contrast. The Hayden Hawke's secret gold guide is as good, if not
better than the tycoon's gold guide. If you wanted to buy the tycoon's
gold guide and cant due to the fact that it is not longer in the market,
then the best choice for you it to get the secret gold guide instead. You
will get the same satisfaction, if not more!

Just like the tycoon's gold guide, Hayden Hawke's secret gold guide is
very great and the tricks she exposes in it are so freshly written by
Hayden Hawke herself. She says you can make 600+ golds just using the
techniques in her secret gold guide. Well, I used the guide and now I am
making almost that; though you have to acknowledge the fact that I have
been playing the game for a while. All the same, if you follow the
instructions she gives in her guide, then it will be possible for you to
make 600+ gold hourly, in a very short amount of time.

The secret gold guide is very affordable at a price tag of $47.00,
especially when you take into account the very interesting bonus materials
offered with it, and the quality of the tips and gold farming techniques
she explains in it. It is defiantly as good, if not better than the
tycoon's gold guide.

Wow gold---More fuel for the "Ozzy at BlizzCon" fire

I am lazy so I don't have enough time to go out or farming wow gold. HOHO!
See you next time!

To buy wow gold online is safe or not? I don't think anyone can give the
exact answer. Many players are crowd at some game forums and communicate
with other players often to know much about wow gold. Of course there are
some cheats in it. So you should choose a good company and do some
research. It is so important that we should keep our money and account

Here's another rumor that points at just who we might be seeing on stage
BlizzCon -- over on Roadrunner Records' Blabbermouth.net news website,
there's a rumor going around that guitarist Gus G., who's part of a band
called Firewind, will be playing with Ozzy Osbourne at this year's
BlizzCon. This isn't the first time we've heard Ozzy might be there --
Zakk Wylde, who is apparently on his way out of Ozzy's band, previously
mentioned that he might be playing there, but Blabbermouth says Zakk is
out and Gus is in.

Now, before you go all nuts over the excitement of seeing the Prince of
Darkness at BlizzCon (and we don't mean Arthas), keep in mind that this
is only the second in a series of rumors, both from sources who may not
exactly be familiar with BlizzCon anyway (they're only writing about this
because they're interested in who's playing guitar with Ozzy, not what's
going on at Blizzard's convention). So we definitely don't know for sure
what's going on at BlizzCon yet -- don't pack your "Bark at the Moon"
t-shirt until you've heard the official announcement from Blizzard.

Still, that would be an incredible show. I like Video Games Live and all,
but they've never performed "Crazy Train" for us.

Can you tell what's so awesome about this picture of Anarchy of
Ravencrest's 10-man Yogg Saron down? Nope, it's not the fact that they
killed one of the hardest bosses in the game, and it's not even that cool
type effect on the title. It's the naked Gnome. Trust us, Horde or
Alliance, every guild should have a naked Gnome standing front and center
in their kill shot.

Lots of naked Gnome-less downed bosses in this week's Guildwatch (which,
we promise, has lots more actual text than the early version you
accidentally saw today). We've also got drama and recruiting news as well
-- hit the link below to read this week's column. I am lazy so I don't
have enough time to go out or farming wow gold. HOHO! See you next
time!To buy wow gold online is safe or not? I don't think anyone can give
the exact answer. Many players are crowd at some game forums and
communicate with other players often to know much about wow gold. Of
course there are some cheats in it. So you should choose a good company
and do some research. It is so important that we should keep our money
and account safe. I really want to quit and sell my wow account and wow
gold out. I am a girl and good at changing mind. Maybe I will miss my wow
and wow gold. If you want to buy cheap wow gold, contact me please.

Yoga Exercises

Have you never questioned yourself why you are not one of the millions of
people worldwide practising Yoga. People in that many numbers don`t get it
wrong in choice of exercise on how to keep fit and healthy.

Research behind Yoga exercise has proven to many disbelievers that it is
very affective on infected body departments like the mind - joints and

Yoga exercises practised under the guidance of an expert is the best route
to take on your first introduction. Instructors can show you the best
techniques on how to combat stress and stiffness of the joints.

Yoga moves and poses encourage the muscles to become fully toned up while
at the same time going to work relaxing the nervous system. The power of
Yoga should never be underestimated.

Body organs are not ignored. Yoga exercises see to the body organs in the
way of a rub down similar to that of a massage where it acts as a
detoxifier to help rid waste toxin build up in the body.

What does yoga involve is a common question asked by newcomers, well the
answer to that is yoga gives you control over two things - one is your
breathing and the other is the physical exercise which helps improve
strength and flexibility.

Music to be played in the background of a yoga class will be picked
accordingly to create an atmosphere for what ever exercise is taking

Orchestral tunes set the scene for a serene and mellow feel. Meditation
music will relate to comforting sounds - sounds such as the call of the
forest, whistling birds and wind chimes. Concentration is very important
when in the sedate calm world of meditation - so therefore the music has
to be suitable. For Example the famous ballet swan lake would never of had
the same affect if those graceful moves were performed to the tune of I`m
a Yankee Doodle dandy.

Invigorating noises that please the mind can help improve yoga exercise.
The word Yoga is like music to some people`s ears due to the fact that
they get to keep in shape while increasing lubrication of the ligaments,
tendons and joints.

Health matters are behind many a person`s involvement with yoga because of
its amazing results, helping to ease pain and pressure. Why not make the
most healthiest decision in your life and let others ask themselves why
they are not part of the now million and ONE people doing yoga.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Try Some Seaweed Salad For A Change!

Well for all you basic seaweed enthusiasts most will know right off the
bat when someone mentions the word kelp or irish moss. These seem to be
the two most common forms of edible seaweed available today. But for those
wishing to expand their seaweed horizon to a new level then there are some
new forms of seaweed now fresh in stock on our shelves at Florida Herb
House or http://www.sharpweblabs.com.

We are excited to welcome four new premium wildharvested seaweeds,
(HiJiki, Arame, Applewood Dulse, and California Sea Palm), to our herb
stores. While not a common to their kelp brothers and sisters these
seaweeds deliver as promised. Whether you are cooking a fine cuisine dish
or simply want to reap the most vitamins and minerals per ounce then have
a look at these.

Hijiki is a seaweed, similar to arame seaweed. Hijiki is a black, slightly
bitter tasting seaweed and is sold dried in short course strips. Hijiki is
best used in dishes that require slow cooking. The Okinawa people simmer
hijiki with soybeans and vegetables. They soak the soybeans and hijiki
overnight. Hijiki like other seaweeds is a rich source of iron, protein,
calcium, zinc and iodine. Hijiki is also a good source of Lignans which
are beneficial with respect to cancer.

Arame is a good introduction to seaweed because of its mild taste. It
blends well with other flavors and is a rich source of iron. Arame can be
steamed, sauteed, added to soup, or eaten in salads. Arame and all other
seaweed, is a rich source of calcium, zinc and iodine. It is also a good
source of Lignans which help fight cancer.
Because it comes from the sea, seaweed contains sodium. It should be
avoided by anyone on a sodium-restricted diet. Wakame has the highest
sodium content, with kelp having significantly less.

Our Applewood dulse is smoked in a applewood scent and is truly
remarkable. This dulse from the northern Atlantic is high in protein,
iron, B-12, chlorophyll, enzymes, and fiber. Great raw, right out of the
bag. Snip pieces and add to salads, eggs, or grains. Make an
Almond-Waldorf Salad (recipe on package). Fry it for a vegetarian DLT

Our California Sea Palm is in stock and ready for you to try. Similar to
Kelp but different in taste this is a must try. A northern California
treasure, noodle-like sea palm becomes a favorite of anyone who tries it.
Enjoy its mild flavor. For a gourmet treat, cover ¼ oz sea palm with
water, simmer for 5 minutes. Allow to cool. Peel sections of 1 grapefruit
and toss with slices of 2 avocados. Add sea palm whole or in pieces.
Sprinkle liberally with sea salt or table salt. Exotic!


Stephen C. Sharp

Florida Herb House

Delicious Italian Bread Recipes

One of the most overlooked parts of European cooking are the simple joys
of a good loaf of bread.

Bread in North America is a bland thing, and real bakeries are usually a
thing of the past. In countries like Italy, where food remains a craft,
the humble loaf of bread is celebrated, and that loaf is not the "Italian
bread" of the local supermarket.

Italy is a country that is well known for its grain and bread. Central
Italy, with its Campanian Plain, is the best place for growing wheat in
the Mediterranean World.

Long before pasta came along, a good loaf of bread was the cornerstone of
the Italian diet, and sopping a good dish of seasoned olive oil up with
bread is still a common, simple way to have a quick snack in Italy.

Most Italian bread recipes have olive oil and some form of herbs in them,
so the variety is usually found in the subtleties.

The standard Italian Bread Recipe requires a standard 7-gram package of
yeast, 2 teaspoons salt, 6.5 cups flour, and some olive oil. The yeast and
salt are mixed together in a bowl with about 2.5 cups warm water.

Then the flour is added and thoroughly mixed. Once the dough is made to a
consistent texture, move it to an oiled bowl, and coat the top with oil as
well. Then let it rise. After about half an hour, return to spread flour
across the counter, get out the rolling pin, and start kneading.

Once the dough has been thoroughly kneaded, it can be split in half, and
shaped into a pair of loaves. Put them on an oiled cookie sheet, split the
tops with a knife, and let them sit for another half hour to one hour.

Heat the oven to 375 (Degree)F and bake for 45 minutes. That is all it
takes to make the classic farm-style rustic Italian bread. This is a
recipe that opens itself up to a great deal of improvisation.

It can be bent towards the Italian Summer Bread recipe simply by adding a
quarter cup of grated parmesan cheese, 2 gloves worth of grated garlic,
and 2 tablespoons of chopped basil.

Italian flat bread uses the same basic recipe, with the only changes being
that the yeast is reduced to 1/4 of the package, and the dough is spread
out on the cookie sheets, and not formed into loaves.

These recipes can give an authentic Italian touch to any kitchen, and are
a good introduction to the simple and easy pleasures of home baking.

Once you have baked a loaf of your own Italian bread, take it outside with
a dish of olive oil and a nice bottle of Chianti, and see what you think.

No need to dread Saturn’s transits always

As the planet of responsibility, Saturn imposes its burdens on an
individual, so that he understands the importance of his own needs. By
meeting his tasks to the best of his abilities, an individual gives form
to his own self worth. While Saturn has so often been thought of as the
planet of restrictions, it is actually a planet of great freedom.

THE tendency to give every Saturn transit a fateful interpretation is
completely unfounded; as many Saturn transits are harmless and at times
beneficial. The transits of Saturn over its own radical position, or in
opposition or square to this position, usually correspond to developmental
crises, signifying the end of one phase and the beginning of a new one,
which in general takes a duration of roughly seven year periods, which
however, do not necessarily have to be connected with Saturn's transit
over the Sun's position or over planet clusters in one Sign as well.
Saturn transits can only then be termed critical, when Saturn is moving
very slowly or is stationary or posited in a constellation making a mutual
exchange with other critical constellation.

Given below are the effects of transits Saturn crossing the natal
positions of a few planets, from reports sent to us for research:

* Transit Saturn crossing radical Sun
- Latter part of childhood remaining unhappy.

* Transit Saturn crossing radical Venus
- Separation from loved ones.

* Transit Saturn crossing radical Moon (sade-sati)
-Death of grandparents, bleak home, poverty

* Transit Saturn squaring radical Moon
- unsuccessful attempts at getting ahead, uncertain circumstances, deceit
and loss of
money through partners in business, staying away from home.

* Transit Saturn squaring radical Saturn
- Futile efforts, many obstacles, lack of income.

* Transit Saturn crossing radical Mars.
- deterioration and subsequent destruction of domestic life, despondent
and lonely
member of household, taking over of great obligations. After surviving the
hard times,
creation of own respectable home.

* Transit Saturn squaring radical Sun posited in the 10th house.
- Unemployment, family worries and illness.

* Transit Saturn conjuncting (in the same constellation) the radical
position of Jupiter.
- Serious conflicts at the work-front.

In general, there are always echoes of the past events or situations, when
Saturn moves out of a Sign. Reviewing past mistakes allows us to handle
the future more effectively. Taken in the negative sense, Saturn transits
may seem to bring setbacks, disappointments, trials etc. But, taken in the
positive sense, Saturn's transit induces slow re-assessment of the self
and objectives. New responsibilities are also thrust upon people, which
will bring both happiness and very hard labour.

Saturn and 'the Now'

The sense of containment that Saturn affords is not a restriction at all,
but it merely teaches an individual how to mould himself in the ways,
which have the most meaning, Saturn is the teacher, who possesses the
greatest secrets of the universe, if one has the willingness to learn.
What one does each day is more important that what one dreams about doing
in the future. The pure essence of Saturn speaks of the reality and 'the
Now' (today).

The delays associated with Saturn slow down an individual, so that instead
of racing through time meaninglessly, he can learn how to fill every
moment with the form and substance that will create greater meaning in
life. The slow plodding nature of Saturn's purpose is always surefooted
and steady. This planet's energies help to effectively un-earth a person
to his current reality.

Saturn can be one's benefactor, or one's burden of woe, depending
completely upon the ways in which a person builds his structure. While the
realization of goals may be well in the future, it is what one does
towards reaching them in "The Now" creates reality. For many, Saturn is
the taskmaster. But, he who lives in "The Now" is always the master of the
task! During Sade-sati and Ashtama Sani also, there are instances of
favourable results. For example, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi brought her party to
power in 2004 general elections in India, while passing through Sade-sati.
Agonizings do not go in vain; after much hiccups, you will be determined
to march forward with a more purposeful tread, on a surer footing.

It's a Free Mario! The Best Free Games Starring Mario

Hands down, Mario has to be one of the most recognizable and beloved video
game characters of all time. In fact, few virtual heroes have been as
impervious to the test of time. Mario has appeared in over 200 official
titles since first jumping onto the scene in 1981 in a little game called
Donkey Kong, and a huge number of gamers are already anticipating his next
opus, Super Mario Galaxy 2, due out on the Wii sometime this holiday

In aid to Mario fans everywhere, I've scoured the Internet to round up a
list of the best free Flash games featuring the mushroom-scarfing,
baddie-stomping, princess-rescuing, Italian plumber. There's plenty of
coin-collecting, adventuring, and boss-battling to be had, including a few
humorous parodies and mash-ups. Moustaches and stylish overalls are

Without further ado, "let-sa go!"

Classic Mario Gameplay

Super Mario Bros. Deluxe: An extremely faithful recreation of the original
Super Mario Bros., minus the sound. (Press "D" to proceed through the

Mario Forever Flash: One of the most visually stunning Mario freebies out
there, with exceptionally polished gameplay and a lengthy adventure.

Super Mario 63: A personal favorite of mine, this 2-D reimagining of Super
Mario 64 is well-polished and has some truly inspired level designs.

Super Mario Sunshine 64: Mario is equipped with Fludd (his water-jetpack)
and must once again collect the Shine Sprites and explore Peach's castle.

Super Mario Flash: A great rendition of Super Mario World.

Super Mario World Flash: Crisp graphics and sound and nineteen
well-designed stages make this tribute stand out.
Monolith's Mario World 3: Another great adventure spanning 3 worlds, with
3 boss battles.

Even More Mario

Paper Mario World: More like a traditional Mario title than any of the
games in the Paper Mario series, it's still graphically impressive and has
some fun gameplay and action-based puzzles.

Old Mario Bros.: A great original Mario game with hand-drawn graphics (and
slightly wonky controls.)

Infinite Mario Bros.: Randomly generated levels make this Mario adventure
different each time you play.

Mario Genre-Hopping

Super Mario Defense: Bowser's attacking the castle with an evil army of
cloned Marios and Luigis. Build up your defenses and thwart the advance of
the little plumbers.
Pipe Panic: Pac-Man meets Mario. 'Nuff said.
Mario Tetris 3: In Mother Russia, Mario plays YOU!

Mario Parodies and Mash-Ups

Super Gangster Bros.: Mario with shotguns.
Mario Combat: Punch and kick your way to Bowser's castle and crack open a
can of whoop-ass. Or, try the graphically enhanced remake, Mario Combat
Mario Remix: In addition to classic platforming, Mario can opt to take on
some bosses from the Megaman series, or fly through space and blast stuff
– Gradius-style!
Mario Remix – Boss Edition: This time, Mario must face off against a
combination of 35 different new and classic bosses from a variety of retro
games. Old-school and tough as nails – in a good way.

วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

World Of Warcraft Strategy Guide

World of Warcraft Strategy Guide is something you definitely need if you
plan to dominate the game. There are thousands of players out there who
always trying something new every day, testing tips and tricks from
numerous WoW forums. After through these long trials, some are having
small success, others don't.

There is reason for this; WoW is a massive game, contain multiple factors
such as race, class, professions, events, quests, guilds, the game's
economy, and hundreds other. As a single player, there is NO WAY you can
mastering all of these on your own even if you sit down playing WoW 24/7
for years. The game will simply catch on by releasing new patch or
expansion pack.

Then how do you dominating the game without put so much effort? Let's
review some facts: World of Warcraft is a MMORPG created by Blizzard
Entertainment, a world famous name in the PC game industry for years. Even
today, there are players that still playing their game that released back
in 1990s (Star Craft and Diablo II). Currently WoW is the world's
most-subscribed MMORPG with 11.5 million monthly subscriber and hold 62%
of MMORPG market.

Get the picture? With this massive subscriber and MMORPG market
domination, this game is provide potentially huge market for WoW related
products. And that is what people do: create products; and strategy guide
is the one with the highest demand, period. Now, as I stated above, there
is no way a single player can mastering all the game aspects even if he
play the game without rest every day; even if he just create a specific
guide such as gold guide, he still has to update the tricks on every patch
and expansion, so how did he keeps up with all the tasks?

The answer is simple: these guys are professionals; they do this as a job
and have many staffs to help them on various tasks, such as managing
forum, researching the new patch, fixing bugs, testing new methods, etc to
cover as many aspects of the game which one cannot do alone. With their
income on the line, staffs to paid every months, and the money back
guarantee promise, they will sure to deliver you the best guides the can
create with the fastest update (most of these products comes with lifetime
subscription, so you can be sure to receive updates) to satisfy your need.

The fact remains: people will do better if there are something to gain
back, so you definitely won't find any of their secret tricks in any free
source information provider such as forum. So if you want to dominating
the game, get the best and most comprehensive guide you can find and
follow its every steps.

That said, it is also important to remind yourself that no matter how
great it is, WoW is just a game; so if any of you thinking of hacking,
stealing, or resort to any illegal activities in order to get your hand on
these guide; think again, it is just a game and don't worth the risks.

How is Yoga Helpful in Our Day to Day Life?

is a way of life which helps to control mind and helps in developing your
personality. Yoga helps in reducing physical, mental and emotional stress.
If you practice Yoga everyday it can certainly help to reduce your stress
in the office.

The physical development as well as psychological improvement can be
obtained by Yoga. The proportionate body structure can lead to increase
your confidence. The stability of mind, increase in the concentration of
the mind can be obtained with the help of Yoga.

In our day to day life a human being is undergoing through different kinds
of Stress. He is always in search of sailing the ship on the way of
happiness and peace of mind.

His real happiness lies within himself only. The stable mind and well
tuned body can give him a real joy which does not vanish like our
materialistic happiness. These things can be achieved through Yoga. Yoga
can control the working of mind. It also helps in reducing some physical
and mental disorders.

Actually anytime is suitable for practising yoga if your stomach is empty.
Considering our schedules, the time early in the morning is most suitable
for study. The evening time about 4 hours after lunch is also suitable for
practice, provided no additional food is taken in between. Yoga can be
practiced at all ages above twelve 12 years .It can be practiced at the
age of 80, years. But one should do only those asanas that are suitable to
one's physical conditions.

Old Fashion Recipes Perfect For Potlucks and Picnics #3

Picnics, potlucks, church socials, office lunches, etc. are the times to
impress family and friends with dishes from your kitchen. Here are some
old fashion recipes to bring new life to the dishes you share. Options
include Amish Corn Bake, a recipe from the Old Order Amish in Indiana,
Coconut Buttermilk Pie, an old time favorite, or Margie's Oven Baked
Chicken coated with a Bisquick mixture.


2 eggs, separated
1/2 tsp salt
3 cups uncooked kernel corn
1/4 tsp black pepper
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup cracker crumbs
1/2 cup sour cream
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp melted butter
2 tbsp chopped pimento

Note: You could use frozen whole kernel corn.

Beat the egg yolks and combine with the corn, 1/2 tsp salt, black pepper,
and milk. Blend well and pour into a buttered 2-quart casserole dish. Beat
the egg whites until stiff and gently blend in the sour cream. Fold the
sour cream mixture into the corn mixture. Sprinkle the top with the
cracker crumbs that have been mixed with the butter. Dot top with the
chopped pimento. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees.


1 cup sugar
2 eggs, room temperature
4 tbsps butter, melted
3 tbsps flour
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp lemon juice
pinch of salt
1 cup buttermilk, room temperature
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1 9-inch pie crust, lightly baked and cooled

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
In a large bowl, combine sugar, eggs, butter, and flour. Beat with
electric mixer until well blended. Mix in the vanilla, lemon juice, and
salt. Using a wire whisk, whisk in the buttermilk until well blended. Pour
into the prepared pie crust and sprinkle the coconut over the top. Bake on
the middle oven rack for 10 minutes at 425 degrees then lower the
temperature to 350 degrees until lightly browned and a knife inserted in
the center comes out clean.

Note: To prevent edges of pie crust from getting too brown, loosely wrap
the edge of the pie with foil before putting in the oven.


1 tbsp butter or margarine
2/3 cup Bisquick
1 1/2 tsp paprika
1 1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 1/2 to 3 1/2 lb frying chicken, cut-up

Heat oven to 425 degrees. Melt butter in an oblong baking pan 9 x
13-inches, in the oven. Mix the Bisquick with the paprika, salt and
pepper; coat the chicken. Place chicken, skin sides down, in the pan.
Bake, uncovered, for 35 minutes. Turn and bake until done, about 15
minutes longer.


Introduction into the Astrological Signs of the Zodiac, Part I

The Energy Cycle of Life

Astrological signs are a beautiful way to represent the changing, cyclical
patterns of energy that we all feel as we go through life. Each segment of
our life—whether it's a day, a week, a month, or a year—and our life as a
whole, has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

These time periods have very different energy qualities. At 7:00 a.m. we
feel full of energy and ready to begin our day. By 10:00 p.m. we look
forward to restful sleep to recharge our energy. Monday feels very
different from Wednesday and Sunday, doesn't it? In spring we come out of
our hibernation and feel infused with energy. By November in the Northern
Hemisphere we look forward to curling up by the fire with a hot cup of tea
and a good book as we enter a slower, more contemplative period.

Each phase of the life cycle has its own qualities that can be enhanced by
understanding the energy pattern of that period. The astrological signs
will teach you how to maximize your potential throughout the year and in
each phase of your life.

The Twelve Astrological Signs

There are 12 astrological signs, named for constellations. On a horoscope
they are arranged around the outer ring of the chart. The planets are on
the turning zodiac ring inside the ring of signs. As that ring turns, the
planets move through each of the astrological signs in the course of one
year. The 12 signs are:

1. Aries

2. Taurus

3. Gemini

4. Cancer

5. Leo

6. Virgo

7. Libra

8. Scorpio

9. Sagittarius

10. Capricorn

11. Aquarius

12. Pisces

The Signs as the Theater of Life

As you look up at the sky at night, you can imagine the planets as actors
on a stage. In a sense, the astrological signs are the "stage" where the
planets act out their roles. Each stage has its own particular energy
pattern that influences the planets as actors. As a planet enters a sign,
it comes under the influence of the energy pattern of that sign.

So we might say that "Mars is in Leo now," which means that Mars is now
being influenced by the energy pattern of the sign of Leo. When Mars has
finished its role in Leo it will move on to its next stage, Virgo, where
things will be quite different for Mars! So Mars always retains its own
qualities, but those are modified according to the sign that Mars is in.

The Character & Energy Patterns of the Signs

The signs get their characteristics from where they fall in the yearly
cycle of one revolution of the zodiac, which represents one revolution of
the Earth around the Sun. During that year, all life on Earth goes through
one cycle of evolution.

If you live in a place that has four seasons, you can strongly sense that
your life has an ebb and flow related to the seasons. You may be acutely
aware of changes in your energy, emotions, sleep patterns, and ambitions
as the seasons change. The astrological signs represent that cycle of
evolution of energy.

The energy patterns of the signs almost constitute a personality type, a
typical mode of expression of the sign. For example, Aries, because it is
the first sign of the zodiac and is associated with spring, symbolizes new
energy, new beginnings, new growth, expansion of all creation. Those
energy qualities are correlated with personal qualities such as courage,
extroversion, aggression, and so on. It is not hard to see why Aries is
called "the warrior," and how an astrological sign can take on human
personality characteristics.

The Dates of the Signs

Viewed from the Earth, the Sun appears to change its position in the sky
as it moves through the year (actually it's the Earth that tilts on its
axis). The Sun moves into each constellation on a specific date. So when
we say that the dates for Aries are March 21 to April 20, we mean that the
Sun appears in Aries on those dates.

The Genders & Elements of Signs

Each sign is considered either masculine or feminine and is associated
with one of the four elements, Earth, Air, Fire, or Water. As you might
already have guessed, Aries, for example, is a masculine fire sign.

Your Birth Sign

At the moment of your birth—the most important day of your life—you come
into the world under the influence of the energy of that specific moment
generated by the heavenly bodies, how they stand in relation to each
other, and the astrological sign of your birth date. You are infused with
those energies and will be influenced by them throughout your lifetime.
This is not at all surprising, given that you are an energy being! All of
these energy relationships and their meaning are revealed by your

When you are born you are like a seed that contains all the information
and potential that will make it grow into a specific plant. Your horoscope
is a chart of the beginning of your life (or of an event later in life).
Like a seed, it contains information about the energy pattern that makes
you who you are and points to your recurring life themes.

Understanding thyself

Learning about your sign can help you understand the themes that you
experience in your personality, challenges and successes, relationships,
health, and goals and dreams. Seeing those patterns will help you find
ways to get around your challenges and work with your best qualities.

In my book Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones that
Delight the Eyes & Strengthen the Soul I teach you how to read your
horoscope and how to find the main themes in your chart. Then you will be
able to balance yourself with your 12 main healing gemstones, you could
call your true birthstones.

You may also visit me at the Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing
Gems Blog where I discuss the actual universal, astrological forces and
inspire you to use them wisely for a successful and joyful life. Healing
gemstones are suggested as tools to balance and come into alignment with
the cosmic flow and can be used to create custom designed soul jewelry.

I hope you enjoyed this look into the mysterious stars and their
meaningful interconnectedness with us.

Aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

Make sure you read the second part of The Astrological Signs of the Zodiac
– A Description of the Twelve Signs