วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Sexy Grocery Shopping is Quick and Easy With an Internet Grocery Shopping List

Want more time for the fun things in life? Use an Internet grocery list to
streamline your grocery shopping, saving dollars and hours every week.
Sisyphus was doomed to roll a boulder up a hill endlessly, and we are
fated to always have to shop for groceries. But don't despair, with the
web there's no excuse to not use a great printable grocery shopping list
to streamline your daily and weekly grocery shopping.
Here are a few key tips to streamline your grocery shopping. The key is to
do fewer trips to the store by using lists to get everything you need. If
you're really good at this, you might be able to do just one trip a week.

1. Start off with a great grocery list. You can Google on 'grocery
list', 'printable grocery list', 'grocery lists', or 'grocery list
template', or see the end of this article for a link to my favorite
free printable grocery list. Find a printable grocery checklist you
like and print it out.


Print and post the list. This is the most important step – keep the
list handy all week long where you can check mark items (or write
them down) as you realize you need them.


Review the list just before shopping. Go through your fridge and
pantry and scan the list – what are you low on and need to buy now?


Group your shopping trips together. By doing just one or two trips a
week and using a complete list, you'll minimize the number of times
you need to dash out to get just one or two items at the last
minute. You'll also ensure that you can do most of your shopping at
your favorite low cost center, even if it's not close by. You might
consider picking a day of the week (Saturday? Monday?) to do the
shopping, and doing your meal planning the night before, making sure
your list has the items you need for the next 4-7 days of meals.


Improve the list. Stash a few of the used printout grocery lists in
a corner. After you have a few weeks of experience, why not make
your own customized grocery list? Just grab the last few weeks of
lists and go to the website where you got your first grocery
checklist and copy the list, then delete the irrelevant items and
add your own personal items that the list was missing.

That's all there is – go find your packing list now, print it out, and
enjoy the great outdoors!

Free Disney Scrapbooking Printables

There are many creative and talented people in the world and this talent
can be used in making sentimental scrapbooks.

A scrapbook is a moment captured in time. The you can use a variety of
things such as old Christmas cards, photos, magazines or newspaper
clippings and much more. There are many ways to do this and if you don't
have the time to look for layouts and backgrounds there is a place you can
get them for free.

Did someone say free? Oh yes. This is all thanks to modern technology
which has made all of these resources available via the internet. This can
save time and money buy getting the necessary things to put this all
together by simply downloading them off the computer.

Are there a lot of websites? Yes again. Programmers have provide more than
100,000 images to choose from that cater to any occasion from Graduation,
to the birth of a baby, Easter and Christmas.

A single site may not provide everything you need which is why most of
these sites have links to others on a variety of topics such as arts,
crafts and sports. They cater to all ages regardless of gender even if you
are just a beginner or someone who has been making scrapbooks for a long

The images on the web simply provide a guide. This will only be complete
by attaching a photo into it and for this, a scanner must be needed. When
the photo has been combined with the selected image, you can start
printing this onto paper then compiling it into the scrapbook.

Most of the pictures are in .pdf format which means this can only be
printed by opening this in Adobe Acrobat Reader. If the you don't have
this program yet in the computer, this would be a good time to get this
and start enjoying the benefits of free disney scrapbooking printables

Has this made the traditional way of making a scrapbook obsolete?
Certainly not. This has merely provided you with the means of finding
better layouts from the existing ones that are available from the

There are individuals who combine the old and new methods to create
scrapbooks and these are still regarded as works of art. There is no harm
in checking the websites out especially since it can be printed for free.

วันอังคารที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mobile Phone Deals: If Not Now Then When?

A long time back somebody said that money cannot buy everything but it is
still necessary. Most of the philosophers remark this statement to be full
of contradictions. Some say if you have money then the whole world is
yours if you do not have it then nothing is yours. You do realize the
importance of money when you tear off the envelope of the monthly phone
bills and the headache is on.

Being human beings the most intelligent species we are blessed with the
power to change the situation in which we find ourselves to be in
uncomfortable state. So, if you regularly suffer from a frequent headache
or tension by looking at the big figures of your monthly phone bills then
stand up to find out a solution to this. The market is laid down with the
infinite kinds of mobile phone deals and then it radically depends on you
how you make the choice.

There is a set of individuals in our society who always complain about
their irritating problems but they never show enthusiasm to go for an
effective change. They keep on postponing the time to bring out a change.
If not now then when? Let this present moment be the absolute time for a
better revolution. Generally, mobile phone deals come in the form of
contract mobile phones and pay as you mobile phones. Contract mobile
phones are the pay monthly mobile phones and pay as you go mobile phones
refer to prepaid or pay in advance mobile phones.

While boarding the morning bus to college you just remember that you have
to give a call to your classmate on an important issue. Unfortunately, you
find yourself in a problem that your handset runs out of the necessary
money. The kind of mobile phone that you are using is a pay as you mobile
phone which has to be recharged again and again.
It's you who should make sure that you have enough balance on your mobile
phone. But one thing is for sure that with pay as you go mobile phones you
will never lavishly spend on your phone bills. Along with college and
school going students housewives are the front users of pay as you mobile

If you are a professional and have a stable income then contract mobile
phones deals would serve you the best options. Talk for a prolong time as
you are given an enticing credit limit and finally, pay off the received
bills at the end of a month. Mobile phone deals including both contract
and pay as you mobile phones let you buy a new handset at a less payment
of money or you might get it free of cost if you go for the best deal.

Gifts and presents are the adjacent stuff which often comes along with
mobile phone deals. Would you like to replace the old television in your
home with a 37 inch LCD TV? If your answer is in affirmative then you
should avail a mobile phone deal which lets you have this elite TV as a
free gift. Similarly you can also get a latest laptop, Sony PS3, Nintendo
Wii, Wii plus Wii Fit and a host of other stuff. Hence, it is the
appropriate time to go for the hunt of turkeys.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How Kettlebell Training And Tabata Training Provide Extreme Fitness

Kettlebell training and Tabata training in the same workout?

Get ready to take your workouts to a new level. A total body workout for
gaining lean muscle, lose that excess body fat and take your cardio
conditioning to the highest level.

*What is a Kettlebell?*

Picture a bowling ball with a handle on it. Kettlebell training when done
right may be the most effective training system we have. Short but intense
workouts a kettlebell workout of 2 exercises and a total workout time of
10-15 minutes can give you an intense and effective total body workout.

* What is the Tabata Training method?*

Tabata training is one of the most brutal training techniques out there.
It consists of performing an exercise for 20 seconds straight, followed by
10 seconds rest. This is repeated for another 7 times, or 8 total rounds
for a total of 4 minutes of extreme training.

You can perform Tabata with cardio, bodyweight, weight training or
kettlebell training. Done with Kettlebell training, it completely changes
your idea of an intense total body workout.

Kettlebell training is tough, but when you combine them with a high
intensity technique such as Tabata training, you can create an intense,
total body workout.

* A Lower Body Kettlebell Training and Tabata Training Workout*

Kettlebell Swing - uses your hamstrings, firms your butt, strengthens your
lower back and great for cardio and fat loss. The kettlebell swing has
been called by some the single best exercise there is. It really is a
total body workout in itself.

Kettlebell Front Squat - works your thighs strengthening and toning, your
abs and your butt.
Thats it. You'll only need two exercises to completely destroy your legs.
And really you can consider this a total body workout. The key to
developing a proper Kettlebell training Lower Body Tabata training workout
is to combine one hamstring dominant exercise with a quadricep dominant

Additional Kettlebell exercises for your Hamstrings:
Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell Clean
Kettlebell Snatch

Kettlebell Training Thigh Exercises
Kettlebell Front Squat
Kettlebell Overhead Squat
Kettlebell Clean and Front Squat

Kettlebell training - Kettlebell Clean + Front Squat is another great
kettlebell exercise that can be a total body workout all in itself.

Kettlebell Snatch + Overhead Squat.

Don't just stop there. Use the same techniques to train your upper body.
Here's a bonus Upper Body Tabata training workout Using Kettlebell
training for again what is really a total body workout.

Complete 8 Tabata Training Intervals for each exercise:
Kettlebell Push Press
Kettlebell Bent Over Row

Yummy Chocolate Cakes: Kisses Cake and Ooh La-La Chocolate Fudge Cake

Can a person have too many kisses? Absolutely not! Especially when they
are chocolate kisses in a cake. YUM! For all you chocoholics out there;
this cake is for you. You think there is something funny going on here?
Two of the ingredients in this cake are kisses and dates! Maybe you
should make this cake for your sweetie! Or how about Ooh La-La Chocolate
Fudge Cake? If you love chocolate, you will love these cake recipes.


1 cup boiling water
1 cup dates, cut-up
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
4 eggs, beaten
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
40 chocolate candy kisses
1 cup chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Lightly grease a 10-inch tube pan; set aside.

Combine the boiling water, dates, and baking soda together; set aside and
allow to cool.

In a large mixing bowl, cream together the butter, sugar, and vanilla. Add
the eggs and blend into the mixture. Sift flour and salt together; add
alternately to the batter with the date mixture. Pour half the batter into
the prepared tube pan. Sprinkle half of the nuts and half of the candy
kisses. Add remaining batter and top with remaining nuts and kisses. Bake
for 1 hour at 325 degrees. Cool 15 minutes before removing from pan.


1 1/4 cups granulated sugar, divided
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup cocoa, divided
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup milk
1/3 cup butter, melted
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 1/4 cups hot water

Heat oven to 350 degrees.

In a medium bowl, combine 3/4 cup of the granulated sugar, the flour, 1/4
cup of the cocoa, the baking powder and salt. Add the milk, melted butter,
and vanilla; beat until smooth. Pour mixture into an ungreased 9-inch
square baking pan. Combine the remaining granulated sugar, brown sugar,
and remaining cocoa. Sprinkle this mixture evenly over the butter mixture.
Pour the hot water over the top but do not stir. Bake at 350 degrees for
35-40 minutes or until center is almost set. Let stand 15 minutes before
serving. Spoon into dessert dishes, being sure to get sauce from bottom of
pan and pour over the top. Garnish with whipped cream or ice cream topped
with mini chocolate chips, if desired.


Jobs For Music Composers

There are several different jobs for music composers that you can pursue
if composing is your dream job. Here is just a small sampling of jobs for
music composers.

Television/Movie Composer

As a television or movie composer, you compose specific pieces of music
for the score of the show or movie. Some songs may have lyrics with them,
while others may be all instrumental. This job may also require
songwriting or working with a songwriter on collaborations. Music
composers have a highly recognized job. They also usually have other
composers working with them or under them, assisting them with the scores
and soundtrack.

Composition Teacher

A composition teacher usually teaches upper level grades or at a
university. Some composition teachers will also teach other subjects, such
as music history or music arrangement. If you would like to teach others
composition skills, then this may be the type of music job you are looking

Jazz Composer

A jazz composer's job is to write instrumental songs that may stand alone
or be used in conjunction with lyrics from a songwriter or lyrics that are
also written by the composer. There are a variety of different places that
a jazz composer can work for, such as on a movie soundtrack. Or they can
be an independent composer and also perform their works in front of a live

If you love composing music and you are creative enough to do it every day
as a job, then one of these jobs for music composers may be right up your
alley. There are other jobs that composers can take as well, as this is
not the full list of composer jobs in the music industry. When determining
what composer you want to be, think about what kind of music you like and
pursue that avenue of interest.

For More Details Visit: http://www.music-career-help.com/


Four tips from a professional game tester

Four tips from a professional game tester

If you're wondering if I'm the professional gamer the answer is no
although I wish I could be considered that I only have two years, these
tips are from an actual professional who has well over seven years of

Tip One: Gain Experience

Make sure to get all of the experience you can get in gaming whether it's
winning a tournament or writing a review on your blog anything related to
games can be added as experience. The best way to gain experience that can
help you land a job in video game testing is doing short-term testing
jobs. Sometimes it is also best doing the job for free which can easily
build up references when applying to an actual job. Call the local gaming
companies and offer your services for free and see what they can do for

Tip Two: Build a Portfolio

This can help you with your future career and not just to land a job as a
video game tester. If you want a serious career in video games then this
is a must for you. Everything you do that is somehow related to your video
game career should go in that portfolio. A well built portfolio can
sometimes guarantee you a job especially since your competition most
likely doesn't have a well built portfolio and just have a list of
references while you have achievements, experience, references, etc.

Tip Three: Be Persistent

In order to actually get a job as a video game tester you have to be
persistent and not lazy. For example, companies will not look for you, you
have to look for them and telling yourself that you're looking doesn't
make it so. I would suggest making an agenda on what should be done in
order to land a job in video game testing.

Tip Four: Build Connections

The best way to get guaranteed a job as a video game tester is if you know
someone in the industry or company. The best way to meet people who have a
connection to the gaming industry is social networking sites. I suggest
finding people around you area who are interested in games and build
connections from there